📆 Reminder: Advanced Rate Deadline for FIA2026 is 31 Dec, 2024. Get Involved now!


Celebrating 75 years of Farnborough International Airshow!

Thank you for celebrating a tremendous milestone with us – 75 incredible years of pioneering aviation excellence and innovation! Since the first airshow in 1948, Farnborough has been at the heart of numerous aerospace achievements, creating a legacy of awe-inspiring moments and that have shaped British and international skies.

Throughout September, we have stepped into a journey through time as we flew down memory lane, revisiting the trailblazing breakthroughs, historic Farnborough Firsts, and breathtaking static and aerial displays that have defined Farnborough International Airshow over the last three quarters of a century.

Celebrating with an array of various activities:

  • An insightful blog series looking back at the last 75 years, from local historian Peter Cooper
  • The opportunity to enter a competition to win tickets to FIA2024
  • Information about local heritage trails and more ways to explore Farnborough
  • The chance to test your knowledge on the history of Farnborough International Airshow
  • A look back at our favourite historical FIA covers
  • And much more!

As we celebrated this momentous occasion, we hope you have had a chance to explore Farnborough’s incredible heritage and experience the magic that has drawn aviation enthusiasts, industry leaders and visionaries together from across the world.

As we looked back on our extraordinary history, we are also excited to look towards the future – unveiling what lies ahead at FIA2024 and beyond. Be a part of our journey by celebrating the achievements to date and ignite your passion for all things aerospace!


Explore the legacy. Embrace the future.


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