Farnborough International Airshow 2024 to host largest ever Box4Kids event

Farnborough International Airshow, the most international aerospace event in the world, is hosting the biggest Barrie Wells Trust’s Box4Kids charity event as part of its Pioneers of Tomorrow day, on 26 July 2024.

With more than 200 guests and 30 volunteers in attendance from the charity, Farnborough International and its clients are planning money can’t buy experiences for seriously ill and disabled children and their families supported by the Barrie Wells Trust’s Box4Kids charity. Aerospace industry leaders attending the airshow, including Accenture, Embraer, Deutsche, Honeywell, Kallman, ATI, AIA and Boeing, are providing exclusive chalets, aircraft tours, meetings with pilots and activities for the guests to immerse themselves in.

Discussing the event, Barrie Wells, founder of the Barrie Wells Trust and Box4Kids, said: “Farnborough International Airshow is a fantastic event, and we are thrilled for Box4Kids to return for the fourth time this summer. The private tours of the American planes and meeting pilots are just some of the additional highlights the Airshow are able to help us create, and I am certain this year will be another incredible event.”

Joe Muir, Commercial Aerospace Director, Farnborough International, added: “Farnborough International Airshow has been a proud host of Box4Kids since 2016, and we value the opportunity to support the charity and our exhibitors in providing experiences that are cherished by the guests. Supporting the next generation is a key focus for us and we look forward to hosting the families at our Pioneers of Tomorrow day at the airshow.”

Box4Kids was established in 2010 by the Barrie Wells Trust and operates a network of over 100 hospitals and hospices across the country to nominate children for Box4Kids events, hosting over 19,000 guests at 1,900 events. The children invited have a range of life limiting conditions including leukaemia, cerebral palsy and Duchene muscular dystrophy.

For further information regarding the Barrie Wells Trust and Box4Kids, please visit:

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