Sustainability Workforce Defence
  • Tuesday, 23 July 2024
  • 12:00 - 13:00
  • Location: Hall 1, Inspire, Hall 1 (Upstairs via East Foyer)

In partnership with McKinsey & Co.


In an era of strained talent supply, increased demand, and an aging and evolving workforce, the global aerospace and defence industry is under pressure. The stakes are high for unlocking productivity and value creation – and talent remains key.

In this exciting panel discussion around the talent trends that are shaping the global aerospace and defence, how companies are responding to the challenges and what the key unlocks have been. We will welcome an expert panel of leading aerospace and defence executives, who will share their insights and perspectives on how they are increasing return on their talent investments; followed by Q&A.

The discussion will also feature perspectives from McKinsey industry and talent experts, and the latest findings from McKinsey's global talent trends, performance management and organisational health index surveys from 100+ companies.


Moderator: Brooke Weddle, Senior Partner, McKinsey & Co 

  • Sarah Armstrong, Chief People Officer, Rolls-Royce
  • Paula Hartley, Vice President and General Manager, Lockheed Martin
  • Louise Atkinson, Chief People Officer, Babcock International Group


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