Sustainability Future Flight Innovation
  • Tuesday, 23 July 2024
  • 11:00 - 12:00
  • Location: Inspire, Hall 1 (Upstairs via East Foyer)

In partnership with McKinsey & Co.


The aviation industry (IATA, ATAG) have committed to achieving net-zero flying by 2050 and has aligned on most of the important actions needed to decarbonise (~60% SAF, 20-30% novel propulsion technologies, 10-20% operational efficiencies). The track record of past decarbonisation efforts is arguably mixed. There has been good progress on fuel efficiency, but little progress on sustainable aviation fuels.

The panel will translate agreed decarbonisation pathways into tangible emission reduction. McKinsey & Co. will publish a new scene-setting report to provide a foundation and framework for progress towards that goal. In their research, which will be published at Farnborough 2024, they will cover:

1. SAF supply / demand, ongoing projects and 2030 forecast; view on technology and feedstock

2. Sustainability funds: e.g., United sustainability fund (objective, impact, guidance on how to setup fund)

3. Customer engagement: SAF ticket price impact; from stated to actual willingness to pay, learnings from recent surveys; relevance of more personalized / customized marketing and commercialization (e.g., Lufthansa Green Fares)

4. Regulation: competitive distortion of blending mandates and other regional regulations; global mechanism necessary to reduce competitive distortion and avoid carbon leakage

5. CSR reporting: no universal reporting standard to create transparency for customers, enable comparability and establish a reliable system for differentiation (e.g., credit scores of S&P and Moody’s correlate 99%, ESG scores across on average by only 54%)

6. Financing the transition


Moderator: Daniel Riefer, Partner, McKinsey & Co 

  • Jan Toschka, CEO, Zaffra 
  • Brian Moran, Chief Sustainability Officer, Boeing 
  • Julie Kitcher, Chief Sustainability Officer, Airbus 
  • Lauren Riley, Chief Sustainability Officer and Managing Director, Global Environmental Affairs, United Airlines 


Find out more about how you can connect with McKinsey & Co. at the Farnborough International Airshow 2024.

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